Need an excuse to go to the Driving Range, here are the top 5 reasons to go to the Haggin Oaks Driving Range in Sacramento.
1. Practice, Practice, Practice
The driving range is perfect for every individual to perfect their game. If you are trying to master a simple chip shot or trying to drive the ball a billion yards Haggin Oaks is perfect to learn how to do that. On Friday’s there is a beginner class at the driving range where our trained profession will help newer golfers learn how to correctly hit the ball and gain an understanding of the game.
2. Date Night
If you are looking for a great date night spot the range is perfect. Your lady will be so impressed when you crush the ball and she can barely get it in the air…unless she is teaching you that is. Haggin Oaks is perfect for date night because after you are done at the range you can go put over at the putting course right behind the range. Do a little competition to the hole. Winner has to buy drinks at the end of the night.
3. It’s 24 Hours
One of the best things about Haggin Oak’s Driving Range is that it is open 24 hours. If your a morning person and love hitting with your cup of coffee from the club house or love hitting during the hot of the day or love hitting your ball into the night sky, Haggin Oaks Driving Range is open for you. What is great is the new happiness hour that is happening at Haggin Oaks. Check it out!! 6pm-8pm.
4. An escape
Who thinks sitting in a cubical all day long on their computer is fun? Absolutely no one does. Leaving your phone in the car and being out in the fresh air is a great escape from the everyday stresses of work and life.
5. It’s Social
Sometimes you won’t have time to even hit because of the amount of friendly people around you. You can encounter families having their family time to a group of college students enjoying their summer break at the range. With 100 T boxes (hitting stalls) for people to hit at, you are bound to make a new friend. If not there is always a staff member to chat with and get to know.