Double amputee from Roseville to compete in U.S. Disabled Open in Florida
Recently, KCRA 3 reported on Tim Healea, a double amputee who lives in Roseville, CA, competing in the U.S. Disabled Open in Florida. If that is not shocking enough, he was also selected out of 90 adaptive golfers to play.
Tim sent KCRA 3 a video of his golf swing, which was pretty sweet. Please look at the video footage above to see him in action. The tournament is set to begin in May, and it looks like Tim will be a great contender!
The U.S Disabled Golf Association’s mission is to provide people with physical, sensory, and intellectual disabilities an opportunity to showcase their ability in a golf championship at a high level.–PGA.com
If you want full coverage of Tim Healea’s U.S. Disabled Open Story, click here.
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