Enquiring Minds Want to Know . . .
Josh Flynn has been a Grounds Keeper in the Haggin Oaks Golf Course Maintenance Department for the past year and a half. When Josh was looking for his first full-time job, his friend and neighbor, Kevin Rich, who also works in this department, recommended he grow with this department.
Since Josh started on the Maintenance crew, the golf game has piqued his interest, and he is playing some golf now and then.
In his spare time, when he is not working at Haggin Oaks, he spends his talent working on cars for himself and his friends. Everyone needs a friend that is handy with car issues.
Thanks, Josh, for all you and the Maintenance department do each day at Haggin Oaks to make the golf courses our shining stars.
Additional Haggin Oak’s staff profiles are available to view at Golf In The City Of Sacramento.