Haggin Oaks and the Morton Golf Foundation wishes to thank everyone who helped make the 2019 Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast tremendous fun for all involved.

On April 21, 2019, Morton Golf Foundation juniors and their families arrived at the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex bright and early to hide 6,000 eggs for Sacramento area children ages 0-10. All of the eggs were filled with candy, but there were dozens of eggs that had certificates inside for prizes, including stuffed bunnies, backpacks and golf clubs.
The Easter Bunny made an appearance and greeted guests big and small as they arrived. Most families headed to the Pavilion upon arrival to enjoy the free pancake breakfast which featured big, fluffy and delicious pancakes! After breakfast, there were assorted crafts set up at Creekside Landing where airplanes, crowns and other fun projects were created while people waited for the egg hunt to begin!
At 11:00 am, everyone gathered around the different age groups that were set up to keep the egg hunt fair for everyone and after a group countdown, the kids were set free! You can watch the exciting action as it took place because we went live on Facebook!
New for 2019, Haggin Oaks and the Morton Golf Foundation asked guests, families and volunteers to bring a canned food item to donate to the Placer County Food Bank. This is a wonderful community event and a great time for our friends, family and community to give back too! We were thrilled to collect 77 cans and $25 for the first year of the food drive – and this will become an annual drive moving forward!

Mark your calendars and plan to join us in 2020 as Haggin Oaks and the Morton Golf Foundation return for another fun Easter egg hunt and pancake breakfast!