Morton Golf is lucky to have Judy & Bryan Downing as a husband & wife volunteer team at Haggin Oaks.

They have been married for 32 years and both enjoy the game of golf.
Their favorite golf course is Spanish Bay or any golf course in the Monterey Bay area. Another hobby that they both enjoy is hiking and traveling.
Before they started their volunteer time at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex, Judy worked at UC Davis Medical Center as an Oncology Nurse and Bryan retired from Research Science for the USGS.
They have been volunteers for Morton Golf since last Memorial Day. Not only do they volunteer here but also see the mission of giving back.
When “Golf & Guitars” the largest fundraiser of the year for Morton Golf Foundation was held this past year they donated a personal guitar of theirs to be used in the Silent Auction knowing the proceeds would go back to local youth, disabled and underserved.
They are true leaders on and off the golf course and we just want to give them a big salute. Judy & Bryan thanks for what you do every day to make Haggin Oaks a better place.
If you’d like to be a featured volunteer on our blog, email Jane Siebers: