3rd Annual Sac Valley Women’s Amateur Winners

Over the Weekend 39 Women Competed in the Sac Valley Women’s Amateur The 3rd Annual Sac Valley Women’s Amateur took place on June 3rd and 4th at Haggin Oaks. This year’s winner, Sienna Lyford, is pictured above, along with her family and coach. Congratulations to Sienna Lyford for taking home the Sac Valley Women’s Amateur… Continue reading →

Happy Miniature Golf Day

When we discovered that Miniature Golf Day takes place on September 21st, we began a “mini” research project to learn more. It turns out there is a humongous amount of information about this day. Some of it is historical, calls to action, insightful, and, to be honest, a few are just plain weird. However, continue… Continue reading →

The Explosion of Women in Golf

Golf is a sport with an unfortunately long history of prejudice and exclusion. In recent times, thousands of people and organizations have stepped forward to change that. The male-centric country clubs that once characterized the sport, are all but vanished. Leading the way, in this new wave of golfers, are undeniably women.  Growth of the… Continue reading →