Haggin Oaks hosted the NCPGA Jr League Section Championship on August 21st.
The PGA Jr. League is a game-changing opportunity for boys and girls to learn and play golf. The program brings family and friends together around fun, team golf experiences, with expert coaching from PGA and LPGA Professionals.

In the 17u Division, Coaches Demian Reddy, PGA, and Derek Felciano, PGA led the Redwood Team.
17u Redwood Team Total (18 Holes) 122
(Front 9)
Will Hoff & Nick Savano 32
Kellen Collins & Jerred Scott 29
William Carlson & Sadie Jones 35
Team Total (Best 2 out of 3) 61
(Back 9)
Will Hoff & Nick Savano 31
Kellen Collins & Jerred Scott 30
William Carlson & Sadie Jones 39
Team Total (Best 2 out of 3) 61
Round Hill Team Total (18 Holes) 133
Tahoe City Team Total (18 Holes) 140
Sonoma Oak Team Total (18 Holes) 144
In the 13u, Coach Terry Sullivan, PGA led Team Santa Teresa.
13u Santa Teresa Team Total (18 Holes) 173
(Front 9)
Ethan Wang & Liam Eyer 32
Jayden Jew & Benjamin Wang 29
Andrew Oh & Kailer Stone 29
Taiki Matsuya & Nathan Lee 30
Team Total (Best 3 out of 4) 88
(Back 9)
Ethan Wang & Liam Eyer 33
Jayden Jew & Benjamin Wang 28
Andrew Oh & Kailer Stone 28
Taiki Matsuya & Nathan Lee 29
Team Total (Best 3 out of 4) 85
South Bay Team Total (18 Holes) 196
Sacramento Team Total (18 Holes) 200
Santa Rosa Team Total (18 Holes) 209
Winning Teams will compete against the Southern CA, Aloha, and Southwest Sections at Indian Wells, September 3rd – 5th for the Regional Championship, advancing to Nationals