Meet Jamie Sadock at Haggin Oaks on Friday, June 14th

Meet the brand designer and company namesake herself, Jamie Sadock, during the official GRAND OPENING of our Jamie Sadock Boutique at the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex on Friday, June 14th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm.

Known for designer golf apparel, shoes and accessories, the Jamie Sadock Collection is designed by artist Jamie Sadock and has always been full of lively colors, fun patterns and tons of energy! We recently opened our newly designed 300 square foot Jamie Sadock Boutique within the award-winning Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop, and Jamie Sadock is making a special guest appearance on Friday, June 14th from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm!

Come out and receive a complimentary gift during your visit. We’ll also be serving free food and beverages.

There will be a meet and greet session with Jamie Sadock.  Stay for our exclusive “Question and Answer” presentation too!

As an added bonus, shoppers will receive a special ONE NIGHT ONLY discount on all purchases made from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm! This is the final event for our weeklong Women’s Golf Week celebration at Haggin Oaks. For more information on Women’s Golf Week, click HERE.

The Haggin Oaks Golf Complex is located at 3645 Fulton Avenue in Sacrmento, CA. Call 916-808-2526 for more information.


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