Coming up on September 18 this year, the Morton Golf Foundation is putting on its 8th annual putting party. Hosted at the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex, this event provides an opportunity for golfers and nongolfers to raise money for charity.

This fun charity event is played as an 18-hole putting scramble. This structure allows for teams to bring out nongolfers to enjoy as well. The challenging holes make for an interesting and memorable experience every year. Teams from years past often comment on the fun and enjoying nature of the event.
You do not want to miss out on the opportunity to join in. Be sure to create a 5-person team and contact Jane Siebers at 916.808.0969 for more information or visit Rest assured, 97% of the funds raised by the event will go to the PGA Hope, Special Olympics of Northern California, California Eagles, and Angels for Hearts foundations.
when you do go be sure to comment below. We would love to hear what you thought of the event.