Here’s a deal you won’t want to pass up. For a limited time, get FREE Adidas Slides with the purchase of adiCOMFORT golf shoes. Adidas is so sure you’ll agree that these are the most comfortable golf shoe you’ve ever played or you’ll get your money back with their 90 Day Comfort Guarantee. Click HERE to take advantage of this special offer online at or come into the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop and pick up your pair today.

Adidas Men’s adiCOMFORT Sport Golf Shoes are designed to provide unrivaled fit, step-in comfort and cushioning for everyone. Adidas started by adding 3mm more of softened midsole EVA for extra cushioning. They removed the insole board and slip lasted the shoe to reduce weight and bring the foot closer in contact with the soft layers, and finally layered in their FitFoam footbed technology which has been proven to stand up to the rigors of extensive walking.