Just about the time you’ve hit all the balls you’re able to hit and tested all the clubs you can test in a day, the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo is coming to the rescue!
At 4:00pm on Friday, April 27th, our first day of the show, we’ll be doing a live concert on our Game Improvement Stage featuring Academy of Country Music Award-Winner Jessica Andrews!
We’ll have $1 beer specials from 4:00pm to 5:00pm during that time and the lovely Miss Andrews will sing her dozen charted hits, including her smash #1 hit, “Who I Am.”

About the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo
With over 165 different manufacturers and booths scheduled to appear, the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo is truly the show of all shows- hosting golfers from all over California, Oregon and Nevada to see the latest in golf equipment to the best vacation destinations- and everything in between!
Best of all, admission is FREE!
More than 22,000 golfers travel to “America’s Largest Demo Day” (Friday – Sunday, 9am to 5pm daily) to test the hottest equipment and accessories, experience the latest launch monitors and Tour Tech vans, trade in old clubs and shop in the 15,000 square foot Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop.
Nowhere else in the country will there be a larger collection of golf vendors available to the general public.
Go to our website, www.HagginOaksGolfExpo.com for more information on “America’s Largest Demo Days!”
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