The TFTGS Jr Tour is a year round competitive tournament program for boys and girls ages 12-18. The members of the tour play and compete on over 25 different Sacramento area country clubs and quality public courses each year. In order to join the tour, juniors must demonstrate the ability to break 100 for 18 holes on a regulation golf course. While some just meet this requirement, others shoot par or better. The tour encourages a wide range of skill levels by pairing players according to skill in the events, so that all feel confident and capable to compete at their given skill level.

Many juniors lose interest in instructional programs by age 11-13, therefore having a competitive program for our older juniors has been very instrumental in allowing us to carry our message to juniors all the way until they reach adulthood. The junior tour is an excellent program that keeps teenagers actively engaged in The First Tee Life Skills experience through their formidable years. Life skills are taught at all of the events. Of the total participants in our chapter that have gone through life skills certification, over 60% are from our TFTSG Jr Tour Program.

Each year the TFTGS Jr Tour has several local juniors who earn partial and full ride scholarships to college because of their golf skills as well as from the behaviors they have learned from the Life Skill, Core Value and Healthy Lifestyle training they have received from the Jr Tour Program.

Click HERE for more information on the Junior Tour. Click HERE to email the junior tour office or call 916-784-7272 for details on joining or financially sponsoring this program.
Golfership for one yearly membership: $120
Golfership for one yearly membership + 10 events: $520
Golfership for one yearly membership + 25 events: $1120
Sponsor name on all printed event material
Sponsor name/logo on donor area of TFTGS website
Invitation for 4 to annual Tour Championship awards dinner.
Foursome to Play in Event: $400
Sponsorship Levels:
- Program $100
- Scoreboard $500
- Hole $150
- Tee Prize, $1000
- Driving Range $250
- Dinner $1500