Inquiring Minds Want to Know . . .
Whenever you need a smile, I know just where to go . . . see Vesta in the Demo Department inside the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop. Vesta is known at Haggin Oaks to have the most positive attitude and willingness to take the time with every customer to make sure they are satisfied and happy.
She has worked at Haggin Oaks for over a year. Before that, she was a California Mentor who worked with adults with disabilities, taking them on outings to enjoy a day outside their daily environment.
Vesta is a golfer that got introduced to the game by a friend she was dating and still plays the game today.
Her interest in daily life is following Jesus Christ. She is an inventor of all goods that has five patents already established.
When she is not playing golf or working at Haggin Oaks, she also enjoys the quiet time of oil painting.
You can stop by the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop and meet Vesta in the Demo Department.
There is a smile waiting for you there.