Golf is considered by many to be a leisurely activity. It often appears to be an easy stroll on a relaxing morning. However, contrary to this prevalent perception, the sport has HUGE health benefits.

The health benefits of golf vary depending on how you play. Riding in a cart will obviously burn fewer calories than walking and carrying your clubs. The Golf Newsnet estimates golfers that walk 18-holes, can expect to burn 1,100 – 3,000 calories! This large number is attributed to the fact that players are walking around 5 miles of rolling terrain while carrying 20 – 30 pounds (golf clubs).
The average woman is recommended a daily caloric intake of 2,000 calories. Similarly, the average man is recommended to consume roughly 2500 calories per day. Therefore, a single 18-hole round of golf has the potential to burn a FULL day’s worth of calories.
In comparison, the average person can expect to burn around 575 – 775 calories in either a full game of basketball or tennis match. Both of these alternatives do take significantly less time than an 18-hole round of golf, but they are also much higher impact. The fast pace and higher intensity lead to a greater risk of injury. This highlights one of golf’s greatest advantages; the ability to play your entire life! Retirement communities usually do not have basketball courts.

Now, burning calories is only half the battle of losing weight. The other half is making sure not to consume them all again. Hence, be sure to drink water while playing instead of beer and healthy snacks instead of junk food. Click HERE to learn about some healthy foods to eat for golfers.
If you are looking to lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle, golf may be a weapon in your arsenal. It probably does not make sense to play 18-holes every day of the week, but adding it into your workout schedule once or twice a week can make a big difference!