As more families are becoming homeless, our community and local shelters are unable to provide assistance. Faith & Homeless Families (F&HF) targets families that need a helping hand out of homelessness through the gift of housing and mentors to guide them along the way.
F&HF is based on developing relationships between families and groups of volunteer mentors from the faith community.
F&HF has been successfully placing homeless families into permanent housing since 2009 and continues to help families re-build their lives. With your help and support, Faith and Homeless Families will continue to be able to give the gift of hope through housing to even more people this year.
It is time for Councilmember Rob Fong’s Third Annual Faith and Homeless Families Charity Golf Tournament; an event that brings together golf enthusiasts and corporate supporters to tee off in support of homeless families. We look forward to having you join us on the greens! Please mark your calendars:
Friday, September 9, 2011
1:30PM Shotgun Start
Alister MacKenzie Golf Course at Haggin Oaks
3645 Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821

Tournament Details:
Friday, September 9, 2011
1:30PM Shotgun Start
Registration Deadline: September 6, 2011
Alister MacKenzie Golf Course
at the Haggin Oaks Golf Complex
3645 Fulton Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95821
Four Person Callaway Scramble
1st place, 2nd place, longest drive, closest to the hole, new car for a hole-in-one
$125 per golfer ($400 for foursome if you fill all four playing slots!) with dinner or $30 for dinner only
Hole signage with logo, a twosome which includes dinner for each golfer and an additional 2 dinner tickets for non-golfer guests
Tri-tip & Chicken BBQ Banquet Dinner
To register, sponsor a hole or get more information, please contact Nora Benavides at (916) 281-6930.
Platinum Level Sponsorship; $10,000: Designated as Co-Tournament Sponor, includes welcoming banner with company recognition, signage on beverage cart as it makes its way through the course, hole signage with logo, print and verbal recognition throughout the event and the Faith and Homeless Families websites, 3 foursomes which includes dinner for each golfer and an additional 12 reserved seats at dinner for non-golfer guests.
Gold Level Sponsorship; $5,000: includes hole signage with logo, print recognition throughout the event, 2 foursomes which includes dinner for each golfer and an additional 8 reserved seats at dinner for non-golfer guests.
Silver Level Sponsorship; $2,500: includes hole signage with logo, print recognition throughout the event, a foursome which includes dinner for each golfer and an additional 4 dinners for non-golfer guests.
Hole Sponsorship; $1,000: includes hole signage with logo, a twosome which includes dinner for each golfer and an additional 2 dinners for non-golfer guests.
Make checks payable to Lutheran Social Services and mail to C/O Faith and Homeless Families, 3734 Broadway, Sacramento, CA 95817. Fed. Tax ID# 94-1659687. Credit cards will be accepted during registration the day of the event.
For more information, go to www.faithandhomelessfamilies.com.