Haggin Oaks Adaptive Golf Programs Featured in The NCGA Spring 2024 Magazine

In the Spring edition of the NCGA Magazine, Brian Murphy’s article shines a light on our Adaptive Golf Programs at Haggin Oaks

Grow the game,” they say in the golf world. “That’s what we’ve been doing for years and years and years, and will keep doing in the future” – is the answer that comes from the actions of the good people at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex in Sacramento. This is particularly true in the field of adaptive golf, which the U.S. Adaptive Golf Association defines as programs to make golf accessible “regardless of current health, physical, mental, sensory, coping and well-being status.”

Deeds, not words, is the mantra up at Haggin Oaks, where the Morton brothers – Tom and Ken, Jr. – have inherited a sense of giving back from their Dad, the legendary retired PGA Master Professional Ken Morton, Sr. “Grow the game is an often misunderstood phrase,” says Tom Morton, director of coaching and development at Haggin Oaks. “The mainstream market, yes, that’s a segment. But what about all the other segments?” “We’ve always been in this business of wanting to help out sections of our community.”

To Morton, adaptive golf is defined as any person who may have a need that is more challenging to play the game than the mainstream golfer.

Read the rest of the article HERE
Learn more about our Adaptive Golf Programs HERE

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