Free Golf Clinic – Chipping – During Beer, BBQ and Balls – September 19

Beer_BBQ_BallsOur Beer, BBQ and Balls Summer Celebration continues at Haggin Oaks on Friday, September 19, with a FREE Golf Clinic on the Haggin Oaks Driving Range at 7pm where our golf coaches are going to talk about chipping! Chips are short shots played around the green with any golf club from a 5-iron to a sand wedge.

This clinic is all about giving you the keys to understand where you should be at impact of a chip shot as well as proper club selection around the green. This concept is often misunderstood and in turn, people tend to mishit the golf ball, causing great inconsistent reaction of the ball on the green.  Proper alignment, set up, grip and a focus on the target will be stressed to give you the foundation to be more consistent and chip the ball more solidly.

Every week, we feature new aspects of your golf game and give you practical tips to improve your golf game. The best part? Our Beer, BBQ and Balls golf clinics are FREE!

EVERY Friday and Saturday night during our Beer, BBQ and Balls celebration our chef will be firing up the grill. We’ll be serving our 1/3 Pound Burger with American cheese, tomato, pickle, onions and lettuce, 1/4 Pound All-Beef Hot Dog, served with all the fixings, BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich with bbq sauce,topped with coleslaw served on a toasted bun, and a Grilled Marinated Chicken Sandwich.

The Haggin Oaks Golf Complex is located at 3645 Fulton Avenue in Sacramento.

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