Next time you come up to the Starter on the #1 Tee of MacKenzie Golf Course, look for Kathy Schnabel. She is the volunteer with a big smile as she checks you in and welcomes the golfers.
For the past ten years, Kathy has been a Volunteer Player Assistant on Saturday mornings on Arcade Creek Golf Course. She just retired three years ago from the State of California Department of General Services and now has more time to volunteer and play more golf. Kathy is still the Saturday morning greeter on Arcade Creek Golf Course, but since she retired, she added being a Starter on Tuesday mornings on MacKenzie Golf Course too.
Kathy takes the opportunity to play golf three times per week. On two of the tee times, she golfs with her husband or friends, but on Wednesdays, she plays with the league at Heritage Park, just north of Natomas.
Kathy loves to travel. Last year she had the privilege of touring Canada as soon as Canada opened up after COVID. She & her husband enjoyed two weeks visiting several National Parks. On their trip back, they did the Rocky Mountain Train Car tour and enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way.
Kathy, thanks for all you do at Haggin Oaks and keep up the excellent work!