Today’s blog entry is written by Jane Siebers, the Marketing Events Coordinator for Morton Golf.
When my alarm went off at 6:00 a.m. on Sunday morning I was about to cry. It was California International Marathon Day and the rain and wind were howling outside my window. I could just hear over and over that Tom Morton told me it’s O.K. to run in the rain he just didn’t want any wind. I knew he and 26 other Morton Golf Foundation runners were at the starting line “running for a reason”.
An hour later, I turned “Good Day Sacramento” on my TV and they were live from downtown at the C.I.M. They were giving our local weather report and were saying that Rancho Murieta was getting the heaviest part of the storm right now. Rob and I were scheduled to meet some of our junior golfers and their parents at the 25 mile mark at 10:30 a.m. and I told Rob we better go early so we headed off into the eye of the storm. We loaded our car with towels, extra clothes and our golf rain suits because we wanted to be prepared for anything. When we hit highway 50 toward downtown the highway was at a standstill and there was a huge car accident along with the highway flooded. We got off on the 65th Street exit and crawled into downtown with the rest of the C.I.M. traffic. We parked our car about 10:15 a.m. and loaded on the rain gear. By the time we reach the 25 mile mark to cheer on the 27 Morton Golf Foundation runners the sky cleared and the sun started to come out. We never got wet. In no time we met our MGF Running TEAM near the finish line and attached are the pictures to prove it. It was fun to hear everyone say how much they enjoyed it and they all want to run again next year.

We have superseded our donation goal of raising over $6,000.00 and the donations continue to come in. We are all very proud to say that 100% of these donation go right back to help our local youth, disabled and underserve grow the game of golf.

The mission of the Morton Golf Foundation is to provide funds to programs offering a healthy outdoor recreational environment. With the storm in Sacramento yesterday being the biggest storm of the season no one wanted to be outside but inside our running hearts they did everything they could to make this year’s TEAM another huge success.
Thanks again to everyone who ran and donated as we can continue to educate and grow that Morton Golf Foundation.
For more information on how you can donate or get involved in the Morton Golf Foundation, please contact Jane Siebers at 916-808-0969 or via email at jsiebers@hagginoaks.com.