The 2011 Easter Egg Hunt and FREE Pancake Breakfast was another amazing success this year. Although it looked like rain early Easter morning and some areas even got a few sprinkles, the clouds held out and the weather was perfect for our 13th Annual egg hunt.

There were lots of children dressed up in their Easter best out enjoying a fun holiday tradition with their parents and grandparents. Smiles could be found on the faces of young and old as the Easter Bunny made his guest appearance among the crowds. Many stopped to say hi and have their picture taken.
Our Easter Bunny and volunteers were busy this year, hiding over 3200 prize and candy-filled eggs and we had lots of winners! Mixed among the 3200 hidden eggs were over 240 prize stuffed eggs and children won an assortment of golf clubs, stuffed animals and backpacks too.

KYMX 96.1 Mix 96 joined the festivities and passed out more prizes as well. We also had a volunteer face painter who stayed very busy painting faces all morning long – I saw many little Easter bunnies, Spidermen, Batmen and more running around the golf course!

We served up over 500 FREE breakfasts for our community and there were hundreds of kids on hand to make a dash for the eggs once the hunt began!

Everyone lined up along the driving range and our putting greens for our 13th annual egg hunt and we kept things fair with five different age groups set up. Children ten and under were encouraged to participate and the race was on at 11:00!

Within 30 seconds, all 3200 eggs were found and kids were checking for prizes and candy!

After the hunt, there were more than a few little ones learning the finer arts of the golf swing on our driving range.

From everyone at Morton Golf, we hope you had a wonderful Easter celebration filled with family, fun and laughter! Until next year, enjoy! Click HERE for more photos from the 2011 Haggin Oaks Easter Egg Hunt and Pancake Breakfast.