Insights from the National Golf Foundation 2025 Graffis Report

The National Golf Foundation (NGF) released its annual Graffis Report — named after Golfdom founder Herb Graffis — showing a continuation of the golf boom that started in 2020. The latest Graffis Report highlights another record-setting year for golf in 2024. Here are some standout stats that showcase the sport’s incredible momentum: 47.2 Million Total Golf Participants (+57% in… Continue reading →

5 Exciting Golf Statistics

It’s no secret that golf took a major hit following the 2008 housing crash. However, since then things have changed significantly for the better. Today with the help of a National Golf Foundation report, we will take a look at 5 exciting golf facts. 1: Between 2011 and 2015, the number of non-golfers interested in… Continue reading →

National Golf Foundation Releases 2019 Golf Industry Report

NGF’s consolidated report on the state of the golf industry features participation and course supply data along with rounds-played and golf’s reach The National Golf Foundation (NGF), the only trade organization that works with every sector within the golf industry, has released its 2019 Golf Industry Report, a comprehensive state-of-the-industry overview. The Golf Industry Report… Continue reading →