Enquiring Minds Want to Know. . .
In May 2021 Amanda Duncan joined the staff as a Server in the MacKenzie’s Sports Bar & Grille at Haggin Oaks Golf Complex. Since that day her smile and positive attitude has been an addition to each and every day that she is on staff.
Before coming to Haggin Oaks in 2021 she was busy with her two sons. Once her youngest son entered Kindergarten she took the opportunity to enter back into the work force and it was Morton Golf’s pleasure to have her join the staff.

Just by being around golfers every day at the Grille she can’t help but get enthused about the game of golf. She is getting started into the game by going to the Driving Range when she has time. It’s always fun when other employees join her, and everyone wants to give a new golfer their golf tips that work for them.
Amanda has been married to her husband, Erik for the past 10 years. He also had two sons to make their family complete with boys the ages of 14, 13, 11 & 6.
Her hobbies when she is not at work is taking her boys to the park, Chuck E. Cheese and any water park they can find.
Stop by the MacKenzie Grille and give Amanda a BIG smile. I bet she’ll give you one first.
Thanks for all you continue to do at Haggin Oaks, Amanda. Your customer service skills can’t be beat.