Bring a veteran to any of our golf courses (MacKenzie Golf Course at Haggin Oaks, Arcade Creek Golf Courses at Haggin Oaks, Bing Maloney Golf Course or Bartley Cavanaugh Golf Course) on 11/11/11, pay your normal green fee and the veteran plays for free.*+ We thank you for your service to our country!

Click HERE to book your tee time now!
*cart fee not included
+The Veterans Day offered at Bing Maloney, Haggin Oaks and Bartley Cavanaugh golf courses to veterans defined by the Veterans Administration, Title 38 US Code 101, which is a “person who served in the active military, naval, or air service, and who was discharged or released under conditions other than dishonorable.” Please present proper identification when you arrive for your tee time. Proper ID includes VA card, VFW card, American Legion card, discharge papers, DD214 or other Veterans ID.