One of the best-kept secrets of the Haggin Oaks Golf Expo is located up by the Alister MacKenzie Pro Shop in our “breezeway”. Those in the know realize that the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop puts out tens of thousands of dollars of nearly new golf products and close-outs that we’ve priced to move at values up to 80% off their original retail. Shop early for the best selection.
Now it’s your secret to keep!
The Haggin Oaks Golf Expo is coming soon! Mark your calendars for Friday, April 27th through Sunday, April 29th from 9am to 5pm daily. The Haggin Oaks Golf Complex is located at 3645 Fulton Avenue in Sacramento, CA.
Go to our website, www.HagginOaksGolfExpo.com for more information on “America’s Largest Demo Days!”
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Follow us on Twitter (twitter.com/hagginoaks) and use hashtag #HOGE12 for specific details on the 2012 Haggin Oaks Golf Expo!