To celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop has purchased some of these cool poker chip-style ball markers with the iconic pink ribbon on one side and the Haggin Oaks logo on the other and we want to give them to you… FREE!!! You heard me right – we are offering these to our loyal readers for absolutely FREE!!!!
To get your FREE ball marker, simply bring in a printed copy of this blog post. Easy, right?
Since we want to make this as easy for you as we possibly can, you can bring in any of our social media advertisements for this offer. Email subscribers can bring in a printed version of an email advertising this offer. If you follow us on Facebook, simply print the offer from our Facebook page: or your news feed. And if you twitter, follow us at, and print out one of our tweets that mention this offer to pick up your FREE ball marker!
To redeem, bring in your printed offer to the front counter in the Haggin Oaks Golf Super Shop for this FREE ball marker valued at $4! Quantities are limited. One per person while supplies last!